Vol. 79 No. 3 (2018): Galicia Clinica - Official Journal of the SOGAMI
Galicia Clinica - Official Journal of the SOGAMI


ML López Reboiro, C Sardiña González, R Suárez Fuentetaja (Author)
Notice to new internists: Are we prepared to work in a local hospital?
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Originals Works

António Ferreira, Cátia Barreiros, Duarte Silva, Lúcia Meireles-Brandão, Edgar Torre, Carmélia Rodrigues (Author)
The role of telemetry in the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation in criptogenic Strokes – a Stroke Unit experience.
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Brief Originals

Raquel Fernández-González, Jose Luis Jiménez-Martínez, María Teresa Alves-Pérez, Ana María Lorenzo-Vizcaya, Amara González-Noya (Author)
Hemorrhagic complications in the first year with Acenocumarol therapy
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Clinical cases

Luís Pontes-Santos, Joana Couto, Joana Carlos-Alves, Raquel López (Author)
Vibrio Cholerae non-O1 non-O139: The first reported case of bacteremic cellulitis in Portugal
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Ana Rafaela Araújo, Eduarda Seixas (Author)
Chylothorax and Chylous ascites: the same aetiology for two different conditions
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Raquel Batista, André Real, Jorge Nepomuceno, Maria de Fátima Pimenta (Author)
Whipple´s disease, a rare malabsorption syndrome of late diagnosis
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Soledad Cameselle-Garcia, Juan J. Gonzalez-Soler, Milagros M. Peña-Zemsch, Ana Latorre-Díez (Author)
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) of the main pancreatic duct
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Bráulio Gomes, José Pedro Leite, Sofia Rodrigues Sousa, Dilva Silva (Author)
Adult Onset Still’s Disease - a rare diagnosis of undetermined febrile syndrome
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Letters to the Editor

Manuel Angel Seco Fernández (Author)
Is better healthcare possible and marked shortening of waiting lists?
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