Vol. 73 No. Supl 1 (2012): Galicia Clinica - Official Journal of the SOGAMI
Galicia Clinica - Official Journal of the SOGAMI


María Matesanz Fernández, Iria Íñiguez Vázquez, David Rubal Bran (Author)
Multimorbidity in hospital medical services: a clinical and management problem
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Rocío Mosquera Álvarez, Nieves Domínguez González, Eugenia Lado Lema, Josefina Monteagudo Romero (Author)
Galician point of view on the medical care of the chronic and pluripathological patient; form hospital to the sanitary sistem of the future. SERGAS 2014 strategy
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Pilar Román Sánchez (Author)
Clinical care of the chronic complex patient
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Fernando De la Iglesia Martínez, Joaquín Serrano Arreba (Author)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and comorbidities
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Manuel De Toro Santos, Salomé Gil Rodríguez, Consuelo Benito Torres, Pilar Rozas Lozano (Author)
Organization of the medical care of chronic patients with plurypatology. Ourense experience
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Julio Montes Santiago, Emilio Casariego Vales, Manuel De Toro Santos, Esther Mosquera (Author)
The chronic patient with plurypathology. Magnitude and initiatives for management: The Seville Statement. Situation and proposals in Galicia
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Fernando Diz-Lois Martínez, Ovidio Fernández Alvarez, Ceferino Pérez Vázquez (Author)
The polymedicated patient
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Julio Montes Santiago, Emilio Casariego Vales (Author)
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Jose Manuel Cerqueiro González, C. Abeledo Vázquez, S. De la Fuente Sánchez, Emilio Casariego Vales (Author)
Impact of a monographic clinic managed by internist for patients whit chronic heart failure on hospital admission rates. A cohort study
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